A photo of Martin: a bearded guy
with snow in his hair

Martin Johnsson

PhD in genetics

Docent (associate professor) in Animal Science with specialisation Quantitative Genetics and Genomics at The Department of Animal Biosciences, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Email address: first name full stop last name at slu full stop se

Mastodon account: @martinj@mastodon.social

ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1262-4585

Curriculum vitae


Full publication list

Most of the papers are open access, but if there is something you can't find, send me an email.

For citation counts and (probably erroneous) metadata, see the Google Scholar and Web of Science profiles.


I keep a blog called On unicorns and genes about genetics and related things.


Here are some of the topics in genetics that interest me, with some related papers that I've been involved in:

Population genomics. With plentiful whole-genome sequence, one can describe the genetic variation of populations in ever finer detail. I am interested in genetic variation, signatures of selection and recombination rate variation in domestic and feral animals.

Related papers:

Genetic mapping of complex traits. I am interested in the genetic basis of complex traits that matter to farm animals, such as body size and bone quality. Mapping the genetic basis of molecular traits such as transcript levels ("eQTL mapping") can help with identifying causative genes for quantitative traits, and also give us large sets of genetic associations to analyse.

Related papers:

Deleterious variation. Deleterious variants are the most tractable functional variants, and can be detected either by genotype-first or sequence-first methods. They raise all kinds of interesting management questions for breeding programs.

Related papers:

Domestication. Domestic animals differ from their wild relatives in many ways, including behavioural differences towards humans and other complex traits. I have been involved in genetic mapping of complex traits in chicken domestication.

Related papers:


I defended my PhD, Genomics of chicken domestication and feralisation, from Linköping University, on the 18th of December 2015. The cover art was made by Alexander Hultberg.

Cover of my dissertation:
					   title and a drawing of a chicken